Monday, 8 January 2018

What is a Weekend - I am retired!

"What is a Weekend? "  - I am retired!

My favourite quote from Downton Abbey's  the Dowager Countess  played by Maggie Smith.  An earnest question posed by a member of the aristocracy who had no  knowledge of a "job" or a "weekend" .  

Now that I am retired/ a pensioner/ a member of the "leisure class", I think this is a fitting replacement title for my former "Monday Morning" column.  

Monday morning holds no significance for me any longer.  My long held assumptions about time and schedules are being redefined in retirement.  Many things are being redefined.  It is exciting .

Monday, January 8, 2018

Although I have been retired for two months, it is just this past week that it is beginning to sink in and be real - I AM RETIRED!

At first I was distracted and disconnected.....

Because I left on a five week vacation to the other side of the world the day after I retired, I was distracted.  Distracted by the extraordinary experience of the South Pacific, Australia, and the Great Barrier Reef.  Disconnected due to 23 days at sea totally off the grid and with little to no access for over 38 days.
Upon reflection, it was a great way to kick start my retirement.  It was a bit chaotic wrapping up work at the same time as planning a major vacation but totally worthwhile.  It created a "hard break" from my former routines and habits.  It definitely cut the chord.

And then I was focused on follow up and holiday activities.....

When I returned home, I was busy following up and thanking everyone involved in my retirement celebration events.  I was both overwhelmed and humbled by the extraordinary send off orchestrated by my colleagues.  I will cherish the memories of my last day forever.  Truthfully,  I can never adequately express my gratitude.
I not only finished work, but cleaned out an office and brought home those important mementos of a 37 year career.  I needed to make room for them at home which meant some reorganization and decluttering.
Throughout this time , holiday season was upon us and all of the wonderful activities and traditions with family and friends.

And now it seems real....

It was just this past week that I really began to feel retired - not going back to work after New Years;  reading headlines in the newspaper about hospital issues and not being involved; horrible weather and difficult driving conditions that I didn't have to navigate.

I am grateful for the opportunity to retire - relatively young and healthy. The planning and preparation to retire is over.
I loved my work, the people I worked with and the mission of the hospital that I served.  My work provided purpose/ a sense of service, a sense of community and structure.

Now my job is to discover and build a new chapter of life that provides all those same things.

But first I promised myself a few months of rest and relaxation.

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